Hello Gals!
Guess what today is? Turtle Day!!!
I love turtles, especially sea turtles, they're the cutest.
Since I live in such close proximity to the beach, around 20 minutes, I'm very aware of the needs of these beautiful creatures.
We actually have a Sea Turtle rescue on South Padre Island. They rehabilitate and release sea turtles that have been injured. It's really neat to see the all the turtles that they have helped to rescue along their wall.
It really brings to light how much we as humans impact the environment. A lot of these turtles are injured because of man. Some are stuck in nets, have plastic around them, have lost limbs because of boats, etc. I'm so glad that we have something around like Sea Turtle Inc. that teaches us about turtles and their environment. In the link above there's places to donate and, if you live close enough, volunteer. I haven't yet been able to volunteer but for sure want to.
Another part of the website that I find really neat is the camera that they have on the turtles that are rehabilitating. There's a camera that runs 24/7 in which you can see the turtles swimming around in the tanks. Really cool!
The organization also does a nest sponsor, in which you help to conserve some of the endangered Kemp Ridley nests that we have on our beach. They have a list up of all the nests that they have found and when they think that they will be hatching. I've been meaning to go for years to see the turtles hatch and make their way into the water but it's sooooo early in the morning. I'll make it a for sure thing for this year so that I can capture some pictures of it.
Make sure to check out the website and see some of the cool things that they do and to learn a little about the turtles they rescue.
With All My Love,
Hello Gals!
Guess what today is? Turtle Day!!!
I love turtles, especially sea turtles, they're the cutest.
Since I live in such close proximity to the beach, around 20 minutes, I'm very aware of the needs of these beautiful creatures.
We actually have a Sea Turtle rescue on South Padre Island. They rehabilitate and release sea turtles that have been injured. It's really neat to see the all the turtles that they have helped to rescue along their wall.
It really brings to light how much we as humans impact the environment. A lot of these turtles are injured because of man. Some are stuck in nets, have plastic around them, have lost limbs because of boats, etc. I'm so glad that we have something around like Sea Turtle Inc. that teaches us about turtles and their environment. In the link above there's places to donate and, if you live close enough, volunteer. I haven't yet been able to volunteer but for sure want to.
Another part of the website that I find really neat is the camera that they have on the turtles that are rehabilitating. There's a camera that runs 24/7 in which you can see the turtles swimming around in the tanks. Really cool!
The organization also does a nest sponsor, in which you help to conserve some of the endangered Kemp Ridley nests that we have on our beach. They have a list up of all the nests that they have found and when they think that they will be hatching. I've been meaning to go for years to see the turtles hatch and make their way into the water but it's sooooo early in the morning. I'll make it a for sure thing for this year so that I can capture some pictures of it.
Make sure to check out the website and see some of the cool things that they do and to learn a little about the turtles they rescue.
With All My Love,
Oh, how I love little turtles. Big ones too! If I catch a nature show on that special night where all the little babies get swept out to sea, there's no way I'm touching that remote. It's like a sport and I'm rooting for every single one. I've saved a few turtles trying to cross a busy street. Hero of the half-shelled, Turle Power!
Nestled in Nostalgia
Yes!! I've saved a handful of turtles on the street as well. I always stop, grab them, and take them to safety. They're awesome creatures! I've made it a goal of mine to go and see some of the nests hatch. I'm so close to it and always have an excuse why not to. Not anymore!